Monday, July 6, 2009

Slipping Away My Consciousness

Everynight when my consciousness fades away, replaced by deeds of my past, reflecting upon every sin of my choice, only one warmth ease the fear of my fading consciousness, a warmth fate has yet to brought it cross my path...

And as I embrace it while slipping to slumber, I whisper these words "When I will ever meet you?"


Anonymous said...

In a relationship.......
You will get something or you learn something. If that relationship hurt you, just because you allow it at first....

SeTH BeaR said...

We allow it to run deep because we allow ourselves to be open to those we love. It hurts because we truly care about them.

Can we really say we love them if we acted other wise?

Anonymous said...

Take it easy, do not force yourself into deep wonder of that relationship! All the best.