Here it lays my heart, broken, scarred, bleeding and dying. Upon the Cremation bed it lays, still clutching the sword that which it fought for its "other half", unwilling to let go, still fighting for a chance to regain his honor. But the God that gave him his sword whisper at his ear:"Rest now, you've done well." These words came to him as of a mother's soothing voice, the warrior let go of his sword and lay dormant on the bed, awaiting his fate.

As the sword collide with the earth beneath it, sparks ignited the cremation bed and the flame grew stronger and stronger, engulfing the heart. There was no pain, there was no sense of heat, there was only the sense of relief, pouring into the heart, drowning all other emotions. As the lonely warrior slowly closes his eyes for the last time, memories of fighting for his "other half" flashes by. Sweet memories of how they met and how happy they felt living side by side for that once so brief of a dream-land fairy tale. The heart has no remorse, no grudge, no hate. He closes his eyes with a faint dying smile.

As the body of the warrior was reduce to ash, all the bitterness, all the demons and darkness of fighting for his "other half" was released from it. Never again to haunt his soul, never again to haunt his memories, never again to haunt his dreams. And when all the darkness left that burnt pile of ash, the heart's soul emerge with flaming white wings, rising towards the heavens.

When the soul flew towards the skies, the God picked up a pinch of the ashes and encase it in a silver locket made from the sweetness of the heart's memories of him and his "other half". Sealing the heart's soul from temptations and corruptions of darkness, ensuring the peace that the heart deserves. This locket will be passed down to the world, reminding how there was once a brave warrior who fought for his happiness, whose name was "My Love To You"...
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